Complicated Simplicity

Where's the Feni?

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Idealism vs. Realism

I'm a go-with-the-flow kind of person. I mostly make decisions only when one is needed. I rarely plan anything in advance. I tend to work and make decisions only near deadlines. On introspection, I guess I need some pressure, proding or inspiration to do something.

As some of you might know, I've had a lot of free time these past 3 months. Being a sort of pseudo-intellectual, I've thought about a lot of stuff and have experienced a whole new part of life I've never bothered to look at previously. I've been forced to come out of the bubble I used to live in - I think I'm intrinsically an idealist and unconsciously choose to avoid harsh realities until it slaps me in the face.

So I decided to try planning for the future and envisioning the person I want to be. Not necessarily iron clad plans, but a flexible list of options I could choose. While contemplating my options and observing other individuals, I've realized that I need to answer a seemingly simple question first. Do I go with the idealistic options? Or do I choose the realist options (minus the ideals) to survive in this imperfect world?

So basically when you want a 60k+ starting first job, a Benz C class or Acura TL, a snazzy condo downtown and smart investments to secure you financially for life, decisions need to be made. So do I bust my ass for the next few years in grad school again and get that high paying job? Or do I land a job, by hook or crook, and hope that my intelligence gets me through? So many people have managed to snag something through lies or deceipt. Even if I take the high road, I will still be competing with them in everything I do. Again, do I take the ideal route? Or do I "even the play field" even if that's not really to my taste. Like it or not, it is the survival of the fittest, and way too many people choose the wrong path to survive. At the end of the day, I need to survive too.

Sometimes I feel that I think too much. Maybe I should try another life - a life consisting solely of working a 9-5 job, watching sports, chopping girls and downing alcohol - ignorant of everything else happening in the world.


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